You can ask yourself one important question while practicing mindfulness:
Do I feel contraction or expansion?
Contraction is a closing, a tightening, a heaviness. Expansion is an opening, an ease, an opportunity.
You can ask yourself one important question while practicing mindfulness:
Do I feel contraction or expansion?
Contraction is a closing, a tightening, a heaviness. Expansion is an opening, an ease, an opportunity.
Yesterday, I learned something new. I was sitting, listening to a guided body-scan, when the guide said:
Let the breath breathe itself. There is no right way to feel. This is what the practice is about: seeing the patterns that take us away from the present moment.
Daily home practice helps you to replenish the energy you spend while out living your life. This helps to reduce stress and increase your feelings of vitality. Home practice is the core of your practice. It helps you to understand deeply how your body works and what you need to be nourished. Do more ofContinue reading “How to start a home practice”
This beautiful poem reminds us that suffering can be a habit we fall into every day. To change this habit, we must first understand it. With this understanding we can transform our behaviour into something more nourishing.